Shopping bag holder

Sh*t Project Managers Say

Just a few things you may hear from your everyday project manager...

Dark Patterns: User Interfaces Designed to Trick People

Normally when you think of "bad design", you think of laziness or mistakes. These are known as design anti-patterns. Dark Patterns are different – they are not mistakes, they are carefully crafted with a solid understanding of human psychology, and they do not have the user’s interests in mind.

Read more over at Dark Patterns

Social media overkill vs smart televisions

This morning, I read the presentation below on how damaging it will be to our mental processes if the filter on information fails. As we hurtle along through life in the digital age, constantly increasing the amount of data we produce and store, reducing our attention spans, and becoming addicted to consuming snack-sized pieces of information, there are few people who are considering the negative impact this may be having on our overall enjoyment of our spare time.

Charlie Brooker has provided some hilarious, but as always, poignant commentary on this phenomenon in the form of a clip from his annual review of current affairs.

Below is a fantastic example of how UX designers at the forefront of technology and the immersive television experience are planning for users to experience entertainment.

GOAB. A TV Experience Concept from SYZYGY on Vimeo.

Read more about this here