PQ FUI Toys from Peter Quinn on Vimeo.

Super fun, pre-animated, sometimes looping, customizable Fake User Interface assets, as editable After Effects comps. Just drag and drop to quickly create and customize FUI layouts to suit your projects.

For sale at aescripts.com/pq-fui-toys

Tutorial video at vimeo.com/pquinn/fui-quickstart

Foot buttons

Not sure where this is, but this lift / elevator has foot buttons for each floor! Awesome.

Evolution of the desktop

The history of the working desk in one neat little animated gif. Harvard Innovation Lab used real vintage items to create this evolution of the desk over the past 35 years in one short timelapse.

Responsive design

Funny pic. But it does raise a relevant question; how many devices do you test your website out on?

The short answer is 3: mobile, tablet, and desktop. Go for 320px, 768px, 1024px and adjust screen size by percentage for a fluid responsive layout.

But, if you're a company like The New York Times or Wordpress, then you'll be testing your service across every device out there.